
Pope Farm Elementary School and Northside Elementary School
Creative Soul Afterschool Club is a place for elementary school-aged kids to learn and develop their creativity through Yoga, Art, Culinary, Drama and STEAM in the after school hours during the school year! Throughout each week, Club groups will experience each of the specialties. Kids will also have Free Create, Club Connect and snack time each day.
Yoga is led by little om BIG OM, Culinary by Yummy Sprout, and Art, STEAM & Drama by local specialists, and groups are led by talented and passionate Club Leaders! This program is directed by Jamie Gale & Tara Charlotte. Read more about our team below! We are incredibly excited to create with school-aged kids all year long!

enrollment process:
Step One:
Complete Enrollment Request Form for your choice of location below.
Step Two:
Enrollment Offers and Wait List Notices will be sent to families within one week of submitting Request.
Step Three:
Families complete the process and secure their Club spot by completing an Enrollment Agreement and paying a non-refundable deposit equal to two weeks tuition. The deposit will be credited toward your the first weeks of programming in Fall.
Ready to Enroll?
Complete our Enrollment Request Form!
Please note that completion of the form does not guarantee a spot in Club; families will be notified within one week re: the status of their request. If there is a spot available, completion of this form is a commitment by the family to enroll.
Creative Soul Club - middleton
REquest ENrollment:
This Year - 2024-2025 School Year
NEXT YEAR - 2025-2026 School Year
NEW FOR 2025-2026!
Club Program Info :
'24-'25 & '25-'26 SChool years
Two Locations!
Pope Farm Elementary School
816 Schewe Rd, Middleton
Northside Elementary School
3620 High Road, Middleton
Grades K - 4
Mon - Fri 2:40-5:15 pm
Enrollment Options:
5-Day - $160/week
4 - Day - $140/week
3-Day - $115/week
2-Day - $80/week
Weekly Specialty Schedule:
Monday: Yoga
Tuesday: Art
Wednesday: STEAM
Thursday: Culinary
Friday: Drama
Monday: STEAM
Tuesday: Culinary
Wednesday: Yoga
Thursday: Drama
Friday: Art
remaining the same for 2025-2026!
Enrollment for 2024-2025
Enrollment for 2025-2026
Creative Soul Club - Enrollment Notes:
Enrollment contracts are for the duration of the academic year and Club fees will be billed in 9 equal installments through the year. Families will have 48 hours after Enrollment is confirmed to secure their spot by signing the Enrollment Agreement and paying the non-refundable deposit equal to two weeks tuition.
Students who attend Northside Elementary and Pope Farm Elementary will be greeted in the Club Classroom at their respective school after school is done. Students who do not attend Northside or Pope Farm may enroll in either site but will be arrive by parent drop-off.
Q: Can I pick my child up at a different time than 5:15?
A: Yes! Pick up is anytime between 4:45-5:15. Club leaders will be helping kids with Club Connect activities during this time so please pick up when it is convenient for you!
Q: Can my child walk home from the program without me picking up?
A: In general, all children need to be signed out by an adult. If you would like to permit your child to self-check out, we require an Authorization to be on file. We release all self-check out kids at 4:45 pm.
Q: What if I want to change my child's enrollment mid-year?
A: Enrollment Agreements are for the duration of the academic year. 2025-2026 Policy: Reducing or cancelling your child’s enrollment requires 60 days written notice. If the 60 days does not fall on a Monday, the change to enrollment and tuition will be made on the upcoming Monday. No reductions or cancellations will be accepted after January 14, 2026. Requests to add days to your child's enrollment will be processed on a case-by-case basis as space allows.